- DNA or RNA molecule that is amplified or copied through a laboratory technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or ligase chain reaction (LCR).
- Output of Amplification process.
- Amplification -> Larger number of copies of a specific DNA sequence.
- Biogeographical unit consisting of a biological community.
- Ocean, Soil, etc.
- DeoxyriboNucleic Acid.
- Double-stranded molecule that contains the genetic code.
- European Nucleotide Archive
- A global database of DNA and RNA sequences.
- Data from ENA is used in MGnify.
- Complete genetic material of an organism.
- Made up of DNA.
- Example : Human Genome consists of 3 billion nucleotides (23 pairs of chromosomes)
- Metagenome is the genetic material recovered directly from environmental or clinical samples by a method called sequencing.
- Metagenomics is the study of the structure and function of these nucleotide sequences.
Metagenome Assembled Genome (MAG)
- A metagenome assembled genome is a genome reconstructed from metagenomic data.
- 1 partial or complete genome
- 1 MAG = 1 species
- The MGnify platform facilitates the assembly, analysis and archiving of microbiome-derived nucleicacid sequences.
- Hub for the analysis and exploration of metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, amplicon and assembly data.
- EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute 🙌